Oraldene 0.1% Gargle Mouthwash 200ml


Antibacterial Mouthwash to relieve gingivitis, mouth ulcers, sore gums, sore throat.

What the medicine is for.
The mouthwash contains hexetidine, which is an antibacterial and antifungal and is used to help treat throat and mouth infections, including mouth ulcers, thrush, sore or bleeding gums (called gingivitis), bad breath (halitosis) or sore throat. It can also be used before and after dental surgery to help prevent infections.

What the medicine looks like.
Oraldene is a clear red solution available in 200 ml bottles. It contains 0.1 g of the active ingredient in every 100 ml of medicine.

Suitable for

Adults and Children aged 6 years and over.

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